2008 have just passed.
In a blinking of an eye, everything seems so fine.
My 2008 was a rather good one i must say. Found new close friends, remained w the old ones except for 1. Well, like a chinese saying, jiu de bu qu, xin de bu lai. 1 left and 2 came. It's a profit lor. Hahahah! Many ups and downs in 2008 but even more fond memories w all my breasties. All those times will remain in my heart <3 just like a tattoo. Te3h3ex.
Oh well, first few seconds of my 2009 was spent w a few of my babies. Rachel, Alicia, EePing and Belinda. Had a smashing good time at Downtown East. Many idiots were spraying foams and party ribbons. All of us wanted t die. We almost suffocated! Pukes. That allmost triggered my asthma.
I DON'T RLY WANT A TRIGGER ON THE VERY 1ST FEW SECONDS OF THE YEAR. It's a tragic if that happens. Party On was held at Downtown East, if i'm not wrong of the party's name. Joined the damn queue and went in t dance our night awaaaayyyy. Some guys self invited themselves and danced w us. I shan't elaborate more cos is bad memories! Like ew. Like wanna dance w us also shouldn't like do that first? It's okay if youre hot, but it's not when youre not! HAHAH. Aiyah, but who cares la.
I look like a boy! If i were a boy... hahaha.

Nahhhh, JK.

my new year's resolutions!
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