Heh, told you work is great. It rly ISSSS GREEEAAAT!! Standing there for hours w pumps hurt my heels. How great. Haha, my top picture looks retarded, fat as well. ^^ Sometimes, my mind just wander off... into the past? Hmmm... Humans are all evil. Humans have tonnes of sin. Take perhaps this example; youre in a phone call w your friend, just sudden you want t hang up the phone but youre too awkward t tell him/her that you want t and blabbered out: "Hey, i'll call you back later alright?" Sounds familiar? Bingo. But seriously speaking, how many tend t call back like later? Hmmm... I admit that i myself sometimes "forget" t call back as well.. That's sad...
my girl. yes, it do sounds familiar. and i admit i does that too. sorry girl. we are too busy with the things around us. n i do have to apologised for not coming to see u at work. is too pack up. but that doesn't mean u are forgotten. i still miss you lots :D
i wasn't even refering t you! just talking about humans in general! ^^
i know. but i'm just admitting that i did right?
HAHAHA w3 r da H0n3st girlz xoxo
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