Hey, Hi, Hello! My blog is rather dead these days cos I'm seriously drop dead "busy". Busy eating, busy outing(?), busy sleeping. Yeah, busy w all these. Thus, this post is going t be rather looonnnggg, baby.
17/11/08 - 20/11/08
Firstly, had a 3D camp at Temasek Polytechnic a.k.a TPrawks. Seriously, damn fun. Got t know alot of friends as well. Ohyah, did i mention that Darren Tan from Project SuperStar and Singapore OK paid TP a visit? All time favourite, Gurmit Singh from Don't Forget The Lyrics was there as well. He's hilarious, i swear. The thing was, i got a golden opportunity t go up on stage t do some promoting teh challenge w 4 others. We were suppose t promote the teh t Darren Tan omg did i just said Darren Tan?? Yeah, Darren Tan. Haha, and i saw him face t face, ass t ass. Right. He don't look that Handsome as i always thought. I shooked his hands as well. It's such a surprise that he's taller than me. Cooolx. On the 20th, we had Jam&Hop. Bands like Plain Sunset, The Marilyns and Fish Tank came. Not interested though. If only it was ... A7X, Amber Pacific, Silverstein \m/
Farhannnnn. (W the pronunciation of a strong caucasian's accent.)

Emylee, Emylee, Emylee. (L)
Shawn(?) a.k.a XiaoPang. (Haha.)
Kelly w Derek behind -.-
Group 1 of Afro Green!
Happy Tree Friends outing! Camwhore around in shopping malls omg! Blowing bubbles in malls and toilets has become one of my hobby. Hahaha. Lazy t elaborate. Ha.
go voguelicious!! when i grow up~~~ anw, i want those pics!!!! thnk me for giving u comment. ^^
i know!!! but where's your thumbdrive???? hahhah yay vogue
the next time when we meet up i'll pass it to u. ^^
okok, eh did you scroll all the way down ? you can see IT at the botttom of me blog. do it fast! ahahh
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